This blog mirrors my life, it is the ramblings of a wonderning student loving to learn and learning to love life. Somehow I will use this blog to take over the world. I will use a plan so deceptively brilliant it will destroy the minds of all who may opposose me. I am more dynamite than man and this blog is the fire that lights my fuse. The plan has but three phases...step 1. Freak out the sqaures. Step 2. ????? Step 3. Profit.

Monday, July 04, 2005

I think therefore I am, but I blog therefore I am digital

What follows within are nothing more than the passing thoughts of a rather intriguing student in a confusing time of self-doubt. Feel free to disregard any, or all, of the thoughts, musings and general wonderment but at least take the time to finish; if there is a single thing I wish I, and maybe you too, did more often was finish what we start. With that in mind I plan to finish at least this one thing.
I am trapped. Not by any physical force, nor any devised means. I have locked myself into an endless cycle of doubt and questioning. I have decided that to be authentic, to be original, creative, influential, and thoughtful and most importantly have meaning is something I may never achieve no matter how highly I value it. I am trapped in a crippling time of un-originality; an age where our lives are so drenched with media saturation and cross marketing that we have come to fear new and original ideas. How many of the last ten movies you saw in theatres were remakes, sequels, or prequels? When was the last time you listened to a band with a truly unique sound? When did you last see a creative NEW television show? Have you ever thought about why syndicated re-runs of TV shows play so well? We have become a society that fears anything new. This mind atrophy is killing me; we are living in an amazing time of technological advance, and social awareness and free flow of new ideas. The problem is that new ideas are scary; they might fail, they might offend people or (god forbid) they might change us for the better. So what de we do? We dull down our senses and our awareness, we look for the familiar and we don’t ask too many questions for fear of rocking the boat. Are we running out of ideas? I certainly hope not, because if we have exhausted all of the collective creativity of society and everything from here on out is going to be a repeat or a borrowed idea things are going to get VERY dull.
Please start to think critically about everything you see, hear and read. If you are unsatisfied with what you see around you voice your opinion. If you don’t know how, I suggest a blog, the Internet is the great leveler of publication; anyone with a phone line, modem and an email address can get a blog and a venue for their free expression of ideas. Who knows maybe we’ll come up with some original ideas, maybe we’ll fall into a cycle of imitation but at least we’re not just passive observers anymore. Use your voice, cause a commotion, you might even change minds or at the very least encourage some critical thought.


Blogger Annamarie said...

Just wanted to let you know that I like your blog - it is interesting and thought-provoking. You speak with a vibrant, intelligent voice. Keep up the good blogging!

6:57 PM, July 06, 2005


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