This blog mirrors my life, it is the ramblings of a wonderning student loving to learn and learning to love life. Somehow I will use this blog to take over the world. I will use a plan so deceptively brilliant it will destroy the minds of all who may opposose me. I am more dynamite than man and this blog is the fire that lights my fuse. The plan has but three phases...step 1. Freak out the sqaures. Step 2. ????? Step 3. Profit.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Way Better Than Writing Essays

Me: Okay, work sucks….and if they say masturbation is like procrastination (it feels good until you realize you’re just fucking yourself) we should at least be fucking each other (or making out) if we are going to procrastinate cause that way it will feel good for both of us… ;)

Cute girl: I’m getting work done, ya slacker.

Me: That’s lame….I was coerced into the library under the pretense of a make out session…I’m prepared to leave if no make out ensues.

Cute Girl: Don’t leave.

Me: Take your top off.

Cute Girl: We are in a quiet study area. It would illicit too many screams. (of pleasure)

Me: It won’t be a quiet area for long ;)

Cute Girl: Hhmph.

Me: Tease.

Cute Girl: I am in the process of crafting the most brilliant cultural studies paper ever written.
You are a good muse though.
And good for the ego.

Me: I’m good for more than just the ego. Seriously though, making out in the library is like the holy grail of make outs…and you could count it as busting my library make out cherry…. I know you’ve been dying to bust some cherries. Furthermore like any healthy, sexually active student the library make out should be high on the list of university goals. In ten years you won’t remember this stupid CSCT paper, in ten years you will remember busting a make out cherry in the library.

Cute Girl: Brilliantly argued. A+

Me: Take your pants off. …okay, tell you what…I will write for a half hour, get a solid 500 or 600 words down on paper and then you and I can go get down in the book stacks. It’s good incentive to work.

Cute Girl: My moral systems are being compromised. I’m very confused.

Me: Let me simplify things for you….you + me = lonely. Library make out = best idea ever. Work for a bit = reward time. Reward time = library make out. Library make out = BEST IDEA EVER


Me: you know what the best way to celebrate the finishing of an intro to your paper is? The Library make out.

Cute Girl: I’m leaving,

Me: you suck, I need to find a more make out friendly study partner.

Cute Girl: Let’s go smoke.

Me: Then make out?

Cute Girl: I’ll think about it.

*** I have yet to start writing my paper.

Stupid library.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ally Sheedy said she was a nymphomaniac, and then copped out by copping up to one count of compulsive lying disorder.

Don't the curious parallels astound anyone else?

2:33 PM, November 23, 2005

Blogger Uzi said...

I promise to make out with Danif he'll mail me some intoxicants. preferably green in colour. Seriously I will! Do I ever lie?

by the way, anyone else remember that scene in Menace II Society in which some coke addict tells a dealer that he'll suck his cock for a hit? and then the dealer shoots him on the spot while also taking the dead man's cheesburger? No?

Shit, it was just on a few days ago, its not as if its one of my favorite movies or anything.

6:43 PM, November 23, 2005

Blogger meg said...

hey, who says it was ally sheedy in the library?

7:15 PM, November 23, 2005

Blogger meg said...

damn, now that i have a blog it shows my name.

7:16 PM, November 23, 2005

Blogger meg said...

i dunno dude, the caps almost got me...

10:31 AM, November 24, 2005


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