This blog mirrors my life, it is the ramblings of a wonderning student loving to learn and learning to love life. Somehow I will use this blog to take over the world. I will use a plan so deceptively brilliant it will destroy the minds of all who may opposose me. I am more dynamite than man and this blog is the fire that lights my fuse. The plan has but three phases...step 1. Freak out the sqaures. Step 2. ????? Step 3. Profit.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Dancing with Yellow Butterflies

The music is blasting, the love is flowing. My weekend started when I caught a butterfly.

I finished my exam, I cleared my headspace. Fuck the negative vibes, fuck being a cynic. I love life, I keep good people around me and they only inspire me to better things. I dance with all my heart and get lost in the moment. If your music doesn't make you want to dance change the track; pretend you are by yourself and don't worry if you miss a beat. My exam doesn't matter it's one of a thousand I will write in my academic career and it has no effect after tonight.

I will remember this night forever.
I will remember writting to my world wise philosopher friend.
I will remember dancing in a small bedroom because the vibe is better than the clubs.
I will remember rushing at 1:23 am.
Dancing, sweating getting lost in the moment.
Taking turns picking the music so we can all dig each other's vibes.

Its all gone pear shaped and I don't want to see it any other way. Thankyou to those present for bringing all the elements...don't worry if you were not here because I assure you that you are all here in my heart.


Blogger Uzi said...

thats a really nice piece dan.

6:54 PM, October 28, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We missed the sunrise? We MISSED the sunrise??

We ARE the motherfucking sunrise...

2:57 PM, October 30, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's beautiful. you make me want to dance.


11:08 AM, November 03, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm dancing with you...

11:22 AM, November 06, 2005


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