I just aborted a lenghty blog post when I realised that the whole post was complete fluff. The epitomy of useless rambling and the only thing I truly enjoyed about the peice was the title (and I can't even take credit for it cause I lifted it from a song.) Furthermore it is through this I realized My goal in life. To become a headline writer. I have always loved some of my blog post titles and titles in other's blogs much more than the posts themselves. I have drafts of posts that don't get published untill I find the right title. I know ireferanced a future post about the wacky world of semi-frozen trendy coffee drinks as my next post but honestly I just liked the title better than the rest of the post.
Tonight's aborted post was going to be called "I make you thnk I'm delicious with the stuff that I say" as both my nodding referance to the fantastic "I am the slime" song by Frank Zappa and my seguay into a rant about my need for more stimulating entertainment. I had a lengthy, alienated "po-mo" kinda rant about how we are becoming numb from media saturation and as a result demand more stimualtion and excitememnt to hold our interest for even a brief period of time.
Then I got over myself and realized that wasn't the sunday night epiphony I was hoping it would be remembered as.
Think of the power you have as a headline writer or possibly slogan writer. It's like being the most sucinct writer possible. How can you condense all the ideas into a short, attention grabbing sentance. Slogan politics are wuickly adopted because they appeal to so many quasi-intellectuals who won't have to know the whole issue if they memorize some key lines. Anyone who wated to align themselves with the left when the war in Iraq began meerely had to yell "No blood for oil ! " and BAM you just made yourself an anti-war lefty. When we rush through or consider our time too important we look for the Coles notes, the plot summary or spoilers for something. We just need the FEEL of a topic before we feel entitled to wax philosophical.
Thus I now seek to land myself a job as a headline/slogan writer where I will use the power of media to spread subversive message in a quick, easy to digest format. Gradualy the influence will grow as the headlines I pen reach larger and larger distribution formats until the whole world has fallen under the power of my slogans.
Probobly not. Atleast now I have an interesting response when people ask me what kind of job I plan to get when I finish my cultural studies degree.
Stay tuned for the next post which will either be titled "global rule handed over to brilliantly succinct writer" or "Your parent's basement: the cheapest post-graduation option while you find a REAL job"
There's a lot to be said for headline-style writing. I know you mean it as an end, not a means, but I think it could probably be exceptionally good training for a poet or serious writer, too. If you can write brilliant slogans/headlines, then imagine how deep a book of prose you could write. If you could write a book of prose. I didn't really think about that until I wrote it, and I refuse to edit. My TA said something about him not being able to write a novel the other day. I dunno. Ideas. Mumbles
8:21 PM, October 26, 2005
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