Swift vengance on whatever has attacked my computer
A quick update to my loyal readers. Those of you already in the know have heard of the untimely strike of my trusty ibook. I am now without a computer for an indefinte time period and as such bloging will be sparse if at all. This post comes to you live from the computer labs at Mcmaster but I just can't feel creative on this oppresive, black, ominous looking Dell. Fear not though for there is much to read in this world other than my blog.
The books section on the side should now have links to two of the most influential books I have read. First there is a link to Ernest Hemingway's "The Old Man And The Sea." If you have not had the pleasure to read Hemingway stop what you are doing, go to the library and take out this book. Not only will those around you be impressed with your choice for personal reading but you will get to understand the simplistic beauty that is the Hemingway's elegant prose. I myself have just purchased a copy of "The Sun Also Rises" (another Hemingway) and I am very excited to blow off my dry school readings and get lost in some literary genius. There is also a link to "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac. This is hands down my favorite book, I read it twice just this past summer. It is the passion of Kerouac that makes me want to be a writer and thus the impetus to start this blog. Also if you have ever wondered about some of the slang in the blog (mainly my use of square and dig) it is all from the beatnik generation and Kerouac was king of the beats.
So there it is, go, read, expand your mind and enjoy.
P.S. I am begining to realise just how much I love to blog, just how much it sucks to not have my computer and how imensely connected my daily life and computer use are. I feel that until I get my laptop back I will be going through serious techno withdrawl. It's kinda mesed up when you realise how much every activity in your daily routine somehow involves modern technology and how upsetting it feels to no longer have a computer, something which by all accounts of practicality I do not need. I think most of us do not have an appropriate respect for the marvels of modern technology nor do we fully understand how intergrated it is with our lives.
P.P.S. New and interesting posts will come soon...I might even dig out some of my unposted drafts for your reading enjoyment.