This blog mirrors my life, it is the ramblings of a wonderning student loving to learn and learning to love life. Somehow I will use this blog to take over the world. I will use a plan so deceptively brilliant it will destroy the minds of all who may opposose me. I am more dynamite than man and this blog is the fire that lights my fuse. The plan has but three phases...step 1. Freak out the sqaures. Step 2. ????? Step 3. Profit.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Finding out your superhero name is also way better than writting essays

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Magnetic Hornet
Your Superpower is Soul Sold to Devil
Your Weakness is Bald People
Your Weapon is Your Poison Lasso
Your Mode of Transportation is Pony


Blogger Uzi said...

How can a superhero have a trave covers ponies? What if you have to cross a major river?

And don't use that poison lasso on the pony.. it might kill him!

ps: that couldn't have provided much distraction from the essay, are you lying to us? You're really just bored of eating Cheetos isn't it?

8:24 PM, November 27, 2005

Blogger Me said...

Still hating, even hating on my superhero identity...Is there no love?

8:53 PM, November 27, 2005

Blogger meg said...

he DOES look a little confused. but he has a sweet name!
always love,

11:11 AM, November 28, 2005

Blogger Uzi said...

aww man.. you spurned my love in the last two posts.. what was i supposed to do? keep loving when i wasn't loved back?.. thats not me man.. i'm a man of extremes.. its high or low.. love or hate.. take ur pick.. either way.. aquaman still rocks the world. And caesar from brooklyn comes in as a close second. what? the boondocks is not a superhero comic? hunh?

tikkata tikkata
tiki tiki tikita
yo i tell you to rest
when i see you

3:34 PM, November 28, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This somewhat reminds me of The Greatest American Hero. And if you think that's not awesome, you haven't seen the show. Of course, if you think it IS awesome, you probably haven't seen the show either.

{sing) Be-lieve it or not I'm walking on air, I never thought I could fly so hiiiigh (/end sing)

9:53 PM, November 30, 2005

Blogger meg said...

that is some sweet real-life html. (/end typing.)

3:36 PM, December 02, 2005


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